Market Outlook

CFN 2021 Outlook: Poised For Growth
January 12, 2021
Financial assets produced remarkable returns over the final nine months of 2020, characterized by rising equity valuations and narrowing credit spreads amid a global pandemic and a disjointed global economy. The global economy is poised to achieve strong year-over-year growth and modest inflationary pressures in the first half of 2021, which should benefit risk assets and spread sectors. Wide-scale vaccination efforts may be the link to more sustained economic growth as the year progresses.
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2019 Market Outlook
April 3, 2019
At the beginning of each year, we outline our expectations as we look forward. In July 2018, we raised a flag of caution with our Five-Themes Mid-Year Update, Mounting Pressure. While we make no claim in our ability to forecast market conditions only six months forward, the end of the year did validate our warning to some degree and a more cautious risk-taking approach was prudent as economic expectations moderated.
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